- Ocean7 LM-7 - I know I did say I would not buy one because of the fear of future company support for the watch. But I finally came across a deal that I would consider taking that risk.
- casio G-Shock GW056CJ - Its a 2006 special edition with reverse LCD. I liked the GW056 becase of the low flat profile, but the down side of it is the 60 min STW and CDT respectively.
- Casio G-Shock GW810D (reversed LCD) - I had one of these before. I modded it with the GWM850 module. Though the GWM850 module has better feature, I never liked the look of it. I eventally sold the moddod G and moved on. I found this GW810D at a beater price, so I might as well get it and use it as a beater. :-)
I am sure there's more to come :D
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