Friday, December 18, 2009

Goodbye Doxa, goodbye GMT IIc ...

Good things usually comes to an end ... early! Oh well. I have to let go of my Doxa and GMT IIc unexpectedly. I like both, so this decision didn't come easy.

I got semi-screwed by the credit card company. I end up doing semi ok and I don't really have to have to sell both watches. But I strongly-dislike (well "hate" is an extreme emotion, so I use "STRONGLY-dislike" instead :p ) being screwed over by fine prints. So I end up selling the Rolex GMT IIc to recover my lost, which I can get my "cost for the watch" + "cost of being screwed over by the cc company" back (net gain or lost is $0). And the Doxa being sold was pretty much out of my frustration with the credit card company and that I rather have some buffer with my toy funds.

Maybe this way, I am one step closer to having an all Omega collection. LOL :D Watch out Ploprof 1200m ... :p

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